
All Children’s Ministry volunteers, please check your mail-box for important forms that need to be completed/ updated. We are working hard to make sure our kids and We need your help to keep our facility safe on g@P Parents, would you be willing to come to church 15 minutes Wednesdays, 5:30-7:30 PM. If you are willing to make the early and help Julie Leeson at the check-in table? If you can rounds for a couple of hours once a month, we’d love to check off a name and put on a wristband, then you are qual- have you join our Hall Monitor team. Please call Braden ified! A sign-up sheet is at the Children’s Ministry Board. OpportuniƟes to Serve (for 6th—12th Grade Students): Next week, November 10, is Mission Sunday. In your mail-box today is a booklet highlighƟng the missionaries Providence supports. Next week you will find Faith Promise Saturday, November 16 & December 14; 9:30 AM— cards in your mailbox. The following week, November 17, we will be collecƟng these cards in our general offering. QuesƟons? Call Ken or Marlene Decker (772.2184). Rehoboth ChrisƟan School newsleƩers are available at the Missions board in the Lobby. Read more about RCS at Sign-up sheets for these projects are on the Student Minis- tries bulletin board in the Lobby. If you’re a parent and would like to participate, please include your name on the sign-up sheet as well. Church Office RenovaƟon Open House Your invited to take Sunday Morning Discipleship meets today, 10:10-10:50 AM, a self-guided tour of our newly renovated office space Cake will be served next week Sunday between the ser- Wednesday g@P We’re meeƟng in the LoŌ from 6:30- vices to celebrate our building loan balance dropping to 7:30pm. Come out and bring your friends, they are ALWAYS Providence. Get caught up locally and help Providence stu- SNL meets TONIGHT, 6-7:30 PM in the LoŌ. Supper will be dents travel internaƟonally! The paper is available in the provided—bring your appeƟte and your Bible as we begin Lobby near the north entrance. DonaƟons may be dropped our study of the book of James; check out James 1:1-8. Any- off at the InformaƟon Center. Thanks for your support! Breakfast Club will meet on Thursday, November7 at 7 AM at Jackie’s Place. All high school students are welcome to join us. A prayer summit hosted by the CRC and RCA is planned for November 8—9 at Corinth Reformed Church (Byron PARENTS of high school students interested in going to Center). The event features a range of speakers, panels and Guatemala next summer, there will be an informaƟon Ɵmes for prayer and worship. Topics include praying with meeƟng next week Sunday, November 10, between the community, healing prayer, personal prayer, praying in small groups, and prayers of forgiveness and blessing. This summit is for people who have a passion for prayer or simply want to know more about how to pray or be an effecƟve prayer. You will not want to miss this! For more Reminder: Every Man’s Night Out is tomorrow night, informaƟon, contact Elaine HuƩ (772.5120). November 4, 6:30—8 PM, in the AcƟvity Center. QuesƟons? CongratulaƟons to 1st Place Chili winner, Kendall Statema, and to 2nd Place winner, MaƩ Nyhof. And congratulaƟons to 1st Place Dessert winner, Estella Nyhof, and to 2nd Place winner, g@P Wednesday, November 6, will include a homemade meal (5:30-6:30), door prizes, high-energy worship with “Just a Thought” (6:15-6:30), and acƟviƟes for all ages unƟl 7:30 PM. Nursery is available for infants–3 years (6:10-7:30). Plan to join Young Moms, led by Susan DeVries, meets on g@P Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 PM, in Conference Room B. This is a new group for moms of young children with the intent of offer- ing encouragement, support, and a Biblical perspecƟve on par- The Alpha course, led by Rus Blondin, is a pracƟcal introducƟon to the ChrisƟan faith. Join us on g@P Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM, in Conference Room A, as we explore the meaning of life. “Experiencing God”, a men’s book circle led by GareƩ Shook, meets on g@P Wednesdays, 6:30-7:30 PM in Room 155. Business Owners meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30–7:30 PM, in the Library. Our next meeƟng is Thank you, Providence! We met our fundraising goal of $2,500 through last Sunday's offering. One hundred people will be added to the “Be the Match” registry in honor of Brant Bunnell. Now on to our next challenge - geƫng people to come to our bone marrow donor registry drive on Saturday, November 16! Check your mailbox for details. Extra copies of the flier are at Volunteer Now for the Great Thanksgiving Banquet We need help on Wednesday, November 27 at 6 PM at the Hope College DeVos Fieldhouse. PosiƟons available: turkey cookers (11/25-26), bring a dessert, dessert cuƫng and decoraƟng (AM), ush- er, table host, care box distribuƟon, clean-up. Please supply names, phone and email address to Martha at Holland Rescue Mission (616-928-3407 or Part Ɵme Food Service PosiƟon Mon-Fri, 10:30am-1:00pm at Pine Ridge School. Must be flexible, friendly, and love to serve others. Works alone in a supporƟve environment. Some com-puter experience required. For more informaƟon, Be The Match Offering Received $ 2,520.80 contact Nancy at nmccarthy@hollandchrisƟ Providence Church 821 Ottawa Avenue Holland MI 49423 p 616.396.5661 f 616.396.5882 e


Barbara Clear News vom 28.10.2009 Schweinegrippe und Kunsttassen vorab, weil oft gewünscht, die aktuellen Konzerttermine:Morgen, 29.11. Pfullendorf/Bodensee (Kulleraugen-Tour), Freitag, 30.10. Schongau (Rock- und Folkklassiker-Event), 31.10. Simbach ("Kulleraugen/Rockklassiker), 6.11. Schwäbisch Hall ("Kulleraugen"), 7.11. Brackenheim bei Heilbronn (Kulleraugen), Infos auf meine

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