Sacred heart & st

Tel; 01422 832085 Parish Priest: Fr. K. Firth. Deacon: David Marshall 01924 407785.
Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. 16th February 2014 Mass Book Page 64.
Hymnsacred Heart Children’s Choir Site).
Parish web site:


6:30 pm Tony McDermott (L.D.)
11:00 am Clementina Leonard (A.)
Jackie Sweeney (sick).
Peter Bridges (birthday remb;)
9:30 am John and Elizabeth Larkin.
Bill and Mary Corboy (A.).
Ann Farrell (L.D.)
See of St. Peter.
People of the Parish.
6:30 pm Arthur Oldfield (A).
Clemente Family.
Baptisms: Next Saturday we are baptising Torin & Calan Hargreaves and we congratulate Claire & Jason
Hargreaves, their parents.
Sacrament of Reconciliation: Sat; 9:30 – 10:00 am and 5:45 – 6:15 pm or by appointment.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Mon; Tues; Wed; Fri; 8:45am – 9:30am. Sat; 9:30am – 10:00am and
5:45pm– 6:15pm.
Morning Prayer: Monday and Friday 9:15am.
Mass Intentions received: Patrick Ryan (A), Michael Ryan (A), Bill & Mary Corboy (A), Phyllis Blackshaw (A),
Jackie Sweeny (sick), Arthur Oldfield (A), Eileen Denham (L.D.).

This week’s Attractions:

Sunday: 11:00am Mass inscription and welcome to our first Confession /Holy Communion class.
Monday: 6:30pm Zumba dancing in the Hall.
7:30pm Lectio Divina group meet in the presbytery.
Tuesday; 4:00pm
Confession/Holy Communion class in class 3 at school.
Ladies group meet in the Hall, with a speaker from the Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Thursday: 1:30pm Good Companions meet in the Hall, all senior welcome.
8:00pm Parish Council meet in the presbytery.
St. Patrick’s Night:
Saturday 15th March at 8:00pm. Tickets £3.50, includes supper and entertainment, on sale
after Mass. We will need some volunteers to make a few dishes with an Irish theme (eg; green curry!). We will
also need help, to set things out, and clear away afterwards.
Catholic Care: Is looking to appoint a Parish Representative in each Parish who could offer care and support
where it is needed in each Parish Community. This role would include handing out newsletters, updating the notice
board and collecting envelopes on Appeal Sunday. If you are interested, young or old, they would really like to
here form you. Please contact Fr. or Joanne Cunningham at Catholic Care 0113 388 5400.
Lenten Groups: Like last year, we hope to hold Lenten discussion/ sharing group in the Hall on Thursday night at
8:00pm with the other Churches – please think about coming.

Offertory Collection:
You gave £940.78p (loose £ 206.78p, envelopes £734.00p). Many thanks.
Silver Circle: Week 17 £10. – 94. £10. -


D A R I A L O U N E D U C A T I O N Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA AA, Liberal Arts, concentration in Biology E M P L O Y M E N T • August 2008–Present Freelance Art Director • November 2007–July 2008 Harrison & Star Inc. , New York, NY, Position: Senior Art Director Lead art director on a successful launch of Avastin (breast, Genentech). Coll

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