Microsoft word - price list falco tour 2012 - tajikistan.doc

We do not sell the trophies!
We offer the way of life!
This Marco Polo (Ovis ammon polii) trophy is one of the most prestigious trophies in the world. The exciting hunting process we passed through by a great quantity of famous
Trophy sizes: 120-150 cm (50-60 inches)
Success rate: 95-99%
Method of hunting: using jeeps for
transportation; stalking.
Hunting area: Tadjikistan (Karakul region)
Hunting seasons: September, 1 -December,
10; February-March (temperature range -10°C at night, +10°C day time in September up
to - 30 C in November)
Number of hunters in a group: 1-2
Accommodation: stationary houses with coal heating with a sitting room, kitchen.
Sauna and water pool at the altitude of 4200 m above sea level.
1-2 (3) Days Arrival in Moscow (Sheremetjevo-2).
Transfer to Domodedovo airport. Flight to Osh (Kyrgyzstan). An option Moscow-Bishkek-Osh is also possible 3-4 Days Transfer Osh-hunting camp by car (8-10 hours)
4 (5)-13 Days Adaptation to the altitude. Hunting
14-16(17) Days Transfer: camp-Osh; Osh-(Bishkek with overnight)
Transfer: Domodedovo airport - Sheremetjevo-2. Tour price: EUR 16 000 (including: 1 Marco Polo trophy); services
Osh-Osh; for 2 hunters and more
EUR 17 000 for one hunter.
gun import license; veterinarian certificate; CITES) Refund if unsuccessful – EUR 7 000 Price for non-hunter: EUR 3 000
Additional trophies: Ibex - EUR 2 500 , Wolf - EUR 700
Tour prices doesn’t include: Airfare till Osh or Dushanbe; tadzhik or kirgis visas;
Administrative payment - EUR 100.
Transfer in Moscow – EUR 150 x 2 = EUR 300. Our firm representative guidance – EUR 600. Russia Vladimir, 600021 Universitetskaya st. 8-64, cell phone +7 (910) 774 39 74; e-mail: We do not sell the trophies!
We offer the way of life!
Ibex hunt
For a group of 5 hunters. The price includes: all the services Dushanbe-Dushanbe, meals and accommodation in the hunting camp; hunting guidance 1 to 1; interpreter per group; 1 ibex with trophy minimum 1m 20cm. helicopter transfer to and from the camp. EUR 5 700 per hunter. REMARKS:
Every hunter must be properly equipped for the hunt Clothing should be warm enough, breathable and comfortable to move. Good mountain boots are the must for this hunt, alongside with sun goggles and sun-burn protection cream. The prevailing terrain, consists of rocks and ground covered by poor vegetation. High snow is possible in February-March. All transportations within the hunting area are fulfilled by jeeps or by horses except the last animal stalking distances. Shooting range is 200 up to 500 meters. Hunters are preferably to abstain from using big calibers rifles with heavy bullet cartridges. For more efficient shooting it is desirable to have a rangefinder. People suffering heart deceases are better to abstain from this type of hunting. If altitude sickness does occur, descending to a lower altitude is the natural remedy, although drugs such as diamox (acetazolamide) can be used safely to treat symptoms. Russia Vladimir, 600021 Universitetskaya st. 8-64, cell phone +7 (910) 774 39 74; e-mail:


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