Microsoft word - msds_household stainless steel cleaner eu dec 2012

SAFETY DATA SHEET: ZEOSOFTTM NATURAL HOUSEHOLD STAINLESS Safety Data Sheet Issued 28th December 2012 Section 1: Product and Company Identification
Product Name
ZEOSOFTTM NATURAL HOUSEHOLD STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER contains a soft zeolite / soft silica minerals compound from the Rotorua region of New Zealand, formed from fine volcanic ash by hot geothermal springs. Cleans, absorbs, deodorises and helps detoxify, removing dirt and odours. Keeps cleaning as it returns to nature. Contains biodegradable plant and natural mineral ingredients. Recommended Use
Product is a Household cleaner used with water for cleaning and and Directions
deodorising stainless steel surfaces, then rinsed off. Apply with wet cloth, rub well, rinse off thoroughly. Supplier Details
Zeosoft Limited Suite 203, 2a Byron Ave, Takapuna Auckland 0622, New Zealand Contact Details
Product information: New Zealand: P Connolly, Zeosoft Limited +64 21 418 424 Emergency Number
Zeosoft Handcare UK Ltd ph:+44 7769805198 Section 2: Hazards Identification
Not regarded as a health or environmental hazard under current legislation. Section 3: Composition / Information on Ingredients
Common Name
CAS Number
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Section 4: First Aid Measures
Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. If eye irritation persists: Get If skin reaction occurs: cease use. Wash thoroughly. Seek medical attention If ingested could cause nausea and gagging. Drink several glasses of water Swallowed
and seek medical help immediately: Note to Doctor: Treat as if affected by alkaline materials. Treat symptomatically. Product is non-volatile so there is no threat of inhalation. If however consumed, remove source of contamination, move person to fresh air, and consult doctor. Section 5: Risks from Combustion; Fire Fighting Measures
General Fire Hazards None. Product is non flammable and not combustible.
Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical Powder, Water. Fire Fighting
Treat fire as for surrounding substances. Fire fighters should use protective clothing – boots, overall, gloves, breathing apparatus. Hazchem Code
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures
In large quantities contain from local drains and dilute with water. Suction into wet cleaner or absorb into an inert material. Dispose of in accordance with local authority guidelines. In domestic situations dilute with water and flush into wastewater. Becomes slippery when combined with water. Section 7: Handling and Storage
Store in cool dry conditions well sealed packaging. Avoid heat and frost. Keep away from foodstuffs or animal feeds. Do not store alongside oxidizing agents or corrosive acids Packaging
The product is contained in cardboard boxes for distribution. Keep product in original packaging. Keep dry. Protect from physical damage. Section 8: Exposure Controls / Personal Protection
No special precautions are necessary for normal usage excepting taking care not to apply to broken skin or eyes. See section 4 in case of such contact. Keep out of the reach of children. During persistent or prolonged handling advisable to wear protective gloves to avoid defatting skin and cracking. Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Physical State and
Gel, tan colour, with mild tea tree aroma Appearance
pH value at 20C
Boiling Point
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Flash Point
Solubility in Water
Vapour Pressure,
Vapour Density
Corrosiveness /
Oxidizing Properties
Section 10: Stability and Reactivity
Relevant Data
Stable under normal conditions. No hazardous decomposition products known. Avoid heat, frost, strong acids and alkalis and oxidizing substances. Section 11: Toxicological Information
General Information
Adverse effects on human health are not to be expected in normal use. Route of Entry
Eye contact, ingestion, prolonged skin exposure. Mild irritant to eyes and the powdered minerals compound may scratch eye. Flush copiously. May cause minor irritation or dryness for some users with prolonged contact. Always rinse off. Very rarely some users may experience sensitivity; if so discontinue use. Seek medical advice if symtoms persist. Ingestion
Unpleasant taste, discomfort in stomach and Induces gagging in larger quantities. Product is considered non-toxic but experimental data are not available. Acute Chronic
Section 12: Ecological Information
No data available. Considered biocompatible, biodegradable and natural. No eco-toxicity issues identified. Aquatic toxicity
No data available; unlikely to be toxic to marine organisms. Intended to be discharged after dilution with water. The powdered natural minerals compound is known to adsorb contaminants from wastewaters. Section 13: Disposal Considerations
Refer section 6. In domestic situations, dilute with water and flush into Dispose of packaging according to applicable environmental regulations. Packaging
Clean, empty packaging should be offered for recycling. Section 14: Transport Information
Relevant Information
There are no special issues with transport of this product. Products are and Precautions
contained in cartons upon pallets. Handle as for other similar product. Land Transport
DOT (Non-bulk)
Air Transport (IATA)
Sea Transport (IMO)
UN Number: N/A. Non hazardous. Not marine pollutant. Page 3 of 4
Hazchem Code
N/R: not classified as hazardous for transport. Section 15: Regulatory Information
EC Regulation 1907/2006 (as amended) : 'REACH. Dangerous Substance Directive 67/548/EEC Section 16: Other Information
Prepared By
Product Stewardship, P. Ashenden, Zeosoft Limited N/A = Not applicable, N/R = Not required. Ecotoxicity Data: N.A.
Revision Date: 20th November 2012 Revision Number: 2

Important Note:
For purpose of this MSDS, Zeosoft Limited, as responsible party, provides the information herein which is
intended for use by persons who have or should obtain professional knowledge and experience in the subjects
discussed. The purpose of the information is to describe the products only in terms of health and safety
requirements. The information given should not, therefore, be construed as guaranteeing specific properties or
as specification. This product is intended for surface cleaning purposes only. Customers should satisfy
themselves as to the suitability and completeness of such information for their own particular use.
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