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PP13 The treatment of urolithiasis with tamsulosine I. Haxhiu1, X. Quni1, S. Hyseni1, H. Aliu1, A. Haxhiu2, E. Haxhiu2 1 Urology Department, University Clinical Center of Kosovo, Prishtina, Kosovo 2 Medical Faculty, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo Introduction and Objectives: Tamsulosin is anselectivewhich can be used, besides for BPE, also in the treatment of urolithiasis, r

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Improving treatment for people with kidney transplants CAMPATH, Calcineurin inhibitor reduction and Chronic allograft nephropathy trial SECOND RANDOMISATION INFORMATION SHEET Thank you very much for your participation in the 3C Study so far. As you know, you were randomly allocated to receive either Campath- or basiliximab-based “induction” treatment at the time of y

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Vaginal infections---The #1 reason women see their doctors Most women will experience at least 1 vaginal infection in their lifetime. In fact, vaginal infections are the #1 reason adult women see their doctors, accounting for 10 million You should be aware that all vaginal infections are not the same. The 3 most common 1. bacterial vaginosis (vaj-i-no-sis), also called BV 2. candidiasis (k

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Actividades en Girona el jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011 RESUMEN: La química está presente en muchos momentos de nuestra vida, desde que nos levantamos hasta que nos vamos a dormir. En conmemoración del Año Internacional de la Química, los investigador@s de la Universitat de Girona (UdG) organizan la actividad Tu cocina, tu laboratorio donde nos invitan adescubrir la química

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Marketing of Clozaril: Improved Safety Or Barrier to Access : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Antitrust,Monopolies and Business Rights of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, One HundredSecond Congress, First Session, on the Marketing of Clozaril, a Drug for the Treatment ., , United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Antitrust, Monopolies,

Remuneration committee charter

BOARD CHARTER Board of Directors Cochlear aims to have a Board of an effective composition, size and commitment to adequately discharge its responsibilities and duties. The Board of Directors currently comprises six independent Non-Executive Directors, including the Chairperson and one Executive Director, the Chief Executive Officer/President.  A majority of the Board must be inde

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Affirmed and Opinion filed August 9, 2001. Fourteenth Court of Appeals ____________ NO. 14-99-01102-CV ____________ DR. ARTHUR B. CONDE, Appellant VINCENT R. GARDNER, Appellee On Appeal from the 240th District Court Fort Bend County, Texas Trial Court Cause No. 99,829 A jury found that Dr. Arthur Conde (“Conde”), appellant, made defamatorystatements about Vince


Chapter 16 Solving Differential Equations This chapter describes how to solve both ordinary and partial differential equations having real-valued solutions. Mathcad Standard comes with the rkfixed function, a general-purpose Runge-Kutta solver that can be used on n th order differential equations with initial conditions or on systems of differential equations. Mathcad Professional includes a

La grippe a bénéficie aux producteurs d'antiviraux (le monde)

La grippe A bénéficie aux producteurs d'antiviraux (Le Monde) La grippe A bénéficie aux producteurs d'antiviraux (Le Date de mise en ligne : mardi 1er septembre 2009 SNUipp-FSU 47 La grippe A bénéficie aux producteurs d'antiviraux (Le Monde) Les traitements contre la grippe A constitueront-ils une manne financière pour les laboratoires pharmaceutiques ? Depuis l'ap


Drug prices to plummet as expiring patents allow generic competition By: Associated Press July 25, 2011 The cost of prescription medicines used by millions of people every day is about to plummet. The next 14 months will bring generic versions of seven of the world's 20 best-selling drugs, including the top two: cholesterol fighter Lipitor and blood thinner Plavix. The magnitude of th


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Ip competition interface paper

North American Developments in the Interface Between Intellectual Property and Competition Law SUSAN HUTTON AND ALEXANDRA STOCKWELL STIKEMAN ELLIOTT LLP │ MONTRÉAL TORONTO OTTAWA CALGARY VANCOUVER NEW YORK LONDON SYDNEY www .stikeman.com North American Developments in the Interface Between Intellectual Property and Competition Law SUSAN M. HUTTON (shutton@stikeman.com) AND ALEXANDRA STO


¡Esto es por lo qué importa el 11 de septiembre! por Elias Davidsson U n número de personas, especialmente de la izquierda, sostiene que en realidad no importa quienes cometieron las atrocidades del 11 de septiembre de 2001 - fanáticos musulmanes reaccionarios, imperialistas de los EE.UU. , o quien sea. Según este punto de vista, insistir en la identificación de los culpables no m


Desarrollo de imagen institucional del Colegio Santa María de Matellini de Chorrillos a través de la planificación estratégica (Periodo 2001). Díaz Gavilán, Yasmín Karín. CAPÍTULO IV PLANEACIÓN ESTRATÉGICA 4.1. DEFINICIONES La planeación constituye una base que determinan el resto del proceso que permite proyectarse hacia el futuro. Desde los tiempos ances


Adolescents With Depression tempted or completed suicides, it does lend support for theuse of fluoxetine in combination with CBT for adolescents To the Editor: The authors of the Treatment for Adoles- with MDD and suicidal ideation. For the majority of pa-cents With Depression Study (TADS) conclude that “ . . . de-tients who have MDD without suicidal ideation, the addi-spite calls to re


Fachkonferenzen Kunstausstellung Emotion und Expression – Künstler begegnen dem Ersten Weltkrieg Kooperation mit den Schulen Literatur, Deutsch Ernst Barlach war nicht nur bildender Künstler – er hat auch ein umfangreiches literarisches Werk hervor-gebracht, zum Beispiel das Drama „Die Sündflut“, dessen Inhalt (Die Frage nach dem Ursprung des Bösen und die Verantwortung daf

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University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources 4-H Youth Development Program Youth Medical Release Form This Medical Release Form is authorized for all 4-H Youth Development meetings and activities during the dates specified below: _________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ First _________________________

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ELISA kits available from ADI: Human : Adiponectin (Acrp30 and gAcrp30), Albumin, Aldosterone, AFP, beta-amyloid 1-40/42, Angiogenin, Angiopoietin-2, beta-2M, BMP-7, C-peptide, CRP, Cox-2, Ferritin, PSA, fPSA, GH, IgG, IgM, IgE, IgG1, IgG4, Insulin, NSE, CA125, CA199, CA242, PAP, Resistin, SHBG, LH, FSH, TSH, T3, T4, and Steroid ELISA kits (cortisol, estradiol, testosterone, Mouse


Socialstyrelsen 106 30 Stockholm 2006-05-25 Remissvar: nationella riktlinjer för missbruks- och beroendevården. Om myndigheten behöver kontakta mig på grund av detta remissvar: e mail 12@12.is Jag har sedan mitten av åttiotalet följt utvecklingen inom svensk beroendevård. Detta har jag gjort genom personalutbildning och handledning av tolvstegskunniga behandlare på Solliden i

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