Respiratory therapy drugs

– Used systemically to increase blood pressure •  Agents - Increase heart rate and – Relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle
– Some inhibition of inflammatory mediator – Relaxation of vascular smooth muscle – Relaxation of other smooth muscle (e.g. • Useful as a tocolytic agent (terbutaline) • L-Epinephrine (Adrenalin):  ,  ,  – given SC for asthma attack (esp. pediatrics) • D, L-Epinephrine or Racemic Epinephrine (Vaponefrin, MicroNefrin):  ,  ,  • Isoproterenol (Isuprel): ( ),  ,  – actually a prodrug (inactive) that is converted to colterol (a  specific catecholamine) (5-8) • Metaproterenol (Alupent, Metaprel): ( ), • Terbutaline (Bricanyl, Brethine): 2 • Albuterol (Ventolin, Proventil):  – not useful in acute attack, a maintenance bronchodilator – not recommended for rescue due to cumulation • Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine):  , Belladonna alkaloids (tertiary amines) : botanical derivatives from Atropa belladonna (Nightshade), Datura spp (Family: Solanaceae) – drying effect on secretions – CNS effects – Other side effects • preanesthetic agent • motion sickness • does not readily cross blood:brain barrier - reduced – May work by combining with adenosine – inhibit release of allergic mediators – respiratory stimulant - increasing CO sensitivity of medullary respiratory centers – increase diaphragmatic contractility • dilation of renal blood vessels, increase urine • constriction of cerebral blood vessels • stimulation of ventilatory, cardiac, and vasomotor • Increased glandular secretion and increased motility – therapeutic serum level 10-20 g/ml – cardiac arrythmias & seizures: >40 g/ml • Metabolized by liver (hepatic microsomal – cirrhosis, CHF, etc. decrease hepatic blood flow – Drugs that damage liver (e.g. erythromycin, • Theophylline: Aerolate, Elixophyllin, Slo- ethylenediamine): Aminophyllin, Somophyllin – glucocorticoids (hydrocortisone or cortisol) – gonadocorticoids (anabolic steroids) • Mineralocorticoids: ↑ Na+, ↓ K+, fluid • Glucocorticoids: gluconeogenesis → ↑ • Mineralocorticoids: ↓ Na+, ↑ K+, rapid diuresis → renal suppression, ↓ blood pressure, arrythmias, death • Glucocorticoids: ↓ glucose, usually • Cushingoid Effects
Addisonian Effects
– thin, fragile, dry, parchment- like skin – osteoporosis & vertebral compression • Abrupt withdrawal → Addisonian crisis – Hydrocortisone (Cortisol): Solu-Cortef – Methylprednisolone: Medrol (Oral), Solu- – Prednisone: Colisone, Deltasone, Winpred – Dexamethasone: Decadron (Oral, IM, IV, Nasal MDI), Hexadrol (Oral, IM, IV), Dexasone (Oral) • Beclomethasone: Beclovent, Vanceril (Oral MDI & DPI); Beconase, Vancenase (Nasal MDI) • Flunisolide: Bronalide, AeroBid (Oral • Fluticasone: Flovent (Oral MDI), Flonase • Action: stabilizes mast cells, preventing – Nasalcrom: nasal solution for prophylaxis of – Opticrom: seasonal allergic conjunctivitis – No role in treatment of acute bronchospasm – Prophylaxis of asthma (esp. allergic); 6 to 12 – Prevention of cold air and exercise-induced • Throat irritation: dryness, hoarseness, coughing • Action: blocks production of inflammatory • Action: inhibits formation of leukotrienes • Action: competitive, reversible antagonist • Action: competitive, reversible antagonist of the • Action: ruptures disulfide bonds of glycoproteins • Effectiveness: best when given by direct instillation, especially via bronchoscope. • Adverse effects: bronchospasm, “rotten egg” odor • Precautions: administer with a bronchodilator • Action: hygroscopic agent - absorbs water & • Bacteriostatic: not suitable for sputum induction for sputum induction intended for C & S • Action: weakens saccharide side chains of • Effective against infected sputum in cystic


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Tretinoin (Vesanoid, ATRA ® ) Tretinoin (Vesanoid, ATRA®) is an oral medicine that your doctor prescribed for the treatment of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) that has certain gene changes, in which the long arms of chromosomes 15 and 17 are switched (translocated). Please take your tretinoin as directed by your prescriber. How is this medication taken? • Take your tre

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