Pear trees : pear tree (packing root)

Pear Trees : PEAR TREE (packing root)
PEAR TREE (packing root)
Pear orchard is a species with many quirks and way lubrication and general adaptability to various soils, in recent years grafted on rootstocks quince which require slightly acid soil, rather than consistent, with the introduction of new medicines found solutions to treat fleas and other pests of the crop, major varieties in greece are varieties crystalli, kontoula and williams The pear orchard is a species with many quirks and way lubrication and general adaptability to various soils. In recent years grafted on rootstocks quince which require slightly acid soil, ratherthan consistent. With the introduction of new medicines found solutions to treat fleas and other pests of the crop. Major varieties in Greece are varieties Crystalli, Kontoula and Williams. Whileinternationally the first place goes to the range Conference and followed by Abate Fetel. Before installing an estate pear, a prerequisite is the soil analysis and recording of mechanicalcomposition, pH and amount of active calcium carbonate. After critical point for success is the right choice of taxable base soil conditions while taking into account the phenomenon ofinconsistency that characterize many pear varieties used by normal subjects.
Behavior tree: Particularly lively, orthoklado and productive. Difficult eleSymperifora tree: Particularly lively, orthoklado and productive. Difficulty controlling the vividness of the variety andrecommended use of very dwarf subjects quince where soil conditions permit.
Fruit: Light yellow when ripe, aromatic, very tasty, not maintained very well at least by today's standards. It ripens in August.
Other features: a relatively good agreement with all subjects kydonias.nchetai the vividness of the variety and recommended the use of very dwarf subjects quince where soil conditions permit.
Fruit: Light yellow when ripe, aromatic, very tasty, not maintained very well at least by today's standards. It ripens in August.
Other features: a relatively good agreement with all the quince rootstocks.
Behavior tree: Quite lively and orthoklado. Displays the young green spikes - spikes that make thinning and harvesting. Depending on the hybrid used the bark of twigs shown by reddish (in 7 /9 Calliope) to slightly gray-green (the traditional Kontoula).
Fruit: Relatively small and shape varies depending on the type of Kontoula. The traditional Kontoula the Kontoula of Corinth and hybrid 7 / 9 are lean fleshy stalk, while Kontoula 1 / 6, 1 / 7, 2 /7 have achladomorfo shape with upright stalks. It's tasty pear and gain their impressions to whoever prefers.
Other features: Highly susceptible to bacterial burning.
Behavior tree: Not keen. Very productive and because of the ability to form fruiting bodies and many keep the flower for several days is considered one of the best epikonoiastes for all pearvarieties. Inoculate mainly on bright subjects such as quince E.M.A. and VA29.
Fruit: Small on size, yellow, juicy and quite tasty. Not maintained for long. Matures on July 15.


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