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WADA 2006 PROHIBITED LIST: A summary of the major changes
Other minor amendments have been made to the 2006 List. Please consult the Summary of
Modifications for 2006 and the 2006 Monitoring Program available on the WADA website.


ƒ LH and hCG previously prohibited in males and females in the 2005 List are now only

ƒ All topical* preparations including; dermatological (skin), aural/otic (ear or near the ear), nasal, buccal cavity (mouth), and ophthalmologic (eyes) administration are no
longer prohibited and as such no longer require any form of TUE.

As per the 2005 list:

ƒ Systemic administration including intravenous, rectal, intramuscular, and oral
administration of glucocorticosteroids is still prohibited in competition and continues
to require a standard Therapeutic Use Exemption.
ƒ The non systemic modes of administration including anal, inhaled and intra-
articular (joint injections) administration are still prohibited in competition and an
Abbreviated TUE form is required.

administered via the method of iontophoresis are not
considered as a topical application under the 2006 WADC List and will still require
an Abbreviated TUE.
*See Appendix A: Routes of Administration: Glucocorticosteroids

ƒ The number of stimulants included in the “Specified Substances” has been increased ƒ Under the monitoring program several stimulants will now be monitored out of Substances prohibited in particular sports several sports have changed
their testing status for Alcohol and Beta Blockers. ƒ FIS have been removed from the list of International Federations testing for alcohol. ƒ Powerboating (UIM) has been added with a threshold at 0.30g/L. ƒ International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has been added for Archery and Boules ƒ The threshold level has been raised from 0.00 g/L to 0.10 g/L for FIM Beta Blockers

ƒ FINA no longer has Beta blockers as a specified substance. ƒ IPC has been added for Archery, Shooting, and Boules (Bowls). ƒ The list of different categories of FIS disciplines where beta blockers are prohibited has been expanded to include Ski Jumping, freestyle aerials/halfpipe and snowboard halfpipe/big air. An overview of the 2006 List

I. Substances and Methods prohibited at all times

(In- and Out-of-Competition)
S2. Hormones and related substances (Except LH and hCG which will be prohibited in males only). S3. Beta-2 S4. Agents with anti-estrogenic activity S5. Diuretics and other Masking Agents II. Prohibited Methods

M1. Enhancement of oxygen transfer M2. Chemical and physical manipulation M3. Gene
III. Substances and Methods prohibited In-Competition

All the Categories under Section I, plus: S6. Stimulants S7. Narcotics S8. Cannabinoids S9. Glucocorticosteroids (Except topical applications which are no longer prohibited).
IV Substances prohibited in Particular Sports

V Specified
All inhaled beta-2 agonists except clenbuterol Cathine, cropropamide, crotetamide, ephedrine, etamivan, famprofazone, heptaminol, isometheptene, levmethamfetamine (L-methamphetamine), meclofenoxate, p-methylamphetamine, methylephedrine, nikethamide, norfenefrine, octopamine, ortetamine, oxilofrine, phenpromethamine, propylhexedrine, selegiline, sibutramine The 2006 Monitoring Program has been increased and now includes:

Stimulants a) (IC only):Bupropion, caffeine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pipradrol,

Stimulants b) (OOC): Adrafinil, adrenaline, amfepramone, amiphenazole, amphetamine,
amphetaminil, benzphetamine, bromantan, carphedon, clobenzorex, cocaine, cyclazodone, dimethylamphetamine, etilamphetamine, etilefrine, fenbutrazate, fenacamfamin, fencamine, fenetylline, fenfluramine, fenproporex, furfenorex, mefenorex, mephentermine, mesocarb, methamphetamine(D-), methlenedioxyamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylphenidate, modafinil, norflenfluramine, parahydroxyamphetamine, pemoline, pentetrazol, phendimetrazone, phenmetrazine, phentermine, prolintane, strychnine. Narcotics (IC only): Morphine/codeine ratio

Appendix A

Routes of Administration: Glucorticosteroids
Types of medications and
Status in
Status in
applications for use
Common examples
sport 2005
sport 2006
Enemas, suppositories and ointments Predsol enema for treatment of conditions such as ulcerative colitis, proctitis, crohn’s Intravenous injections or infiltration administered in emergency situations Intravenous
or as a replacement therapy in adrenocortical insufficiency Injection into soft tissue for systemic Intramuscular
inflammation Topical ointments and creams used fissures Electrical current is used to drive Iontophoresis
QVAR (beclomethasone) Celestone Chronodose (betamethasone) Intra-articular
(methylprednisolone) Kenacort – A10 (triamcinolone) Kenacomb (triamcinolone) Aural/otic
Buccal Cavity
Eyedrops and ointments for treatment Predsol (prednisolone) Ophthalmologic
conditions, psoriasis, skin irritations,


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