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Therapieprotokolle Rotkreuzklinikum München gGmbH (Frauenklinik) Indikation Kurztitel Vollständiger Titel der Studie Was wird gemacht Ansprechpartner CAVE! (z.B. Random-Arm) Intraoperative Randomisation: Strahlentherapie Arm A: Intraoperative Bestrahlung des Tumorbetts mit 5 Gy (Intrabeam™) (+ 46 Gy perkutane Radiatio (Linearbeschleuniger) Arm

Microsoft word - consentimento informado para retosigmoideoscopia.doc

CONSENTIMENTO INFORMADO PARA RETOSIGMOIDEOSCOPIA Por este instrumento particular o (a) paciente ________________________________________ou seu responsável, Sr.(a) _______________________________________________________, declara, para todos os fins legais, especialmente do disposto no artigo 39, VI, da Lei 8.078/90 que dá plena autorização ao (à) médico(a) assistente, Dr.(a)________


Case Domestic Short Hair Cat – aged 9 years plus Complaint: Skin condition Date: 24th June 2009 WH is a spayed DSH cat aged over 9 years. She joined the family from the SPCA when she was approximately 2 years old. The reason for this consultation is that her skin has little lumps over her body. They are predominately on her back but can be found all over. They are raised but don‟t a

Commonwealth Local Government Research Colloquium Cardiff, UK, 13-15 March 2011 NOT TO BE QUOTED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR Place-based leadership in a global era Robin Hambleton Professor of City Leadership Cities Research Centre University of the West of England, Bristol Email: Abstract This paper examines the major challenges now facing local governments across the wo

Microsoft word - fellowship_in_medical_toxicology.doc

Fellowship in Medical Toxicology INTRODUCTION: Internationally toxicology is a sub-speciality of emergency medicine with separate certification. In the western part of the world poisoning is mainly due to tablet overdose and industrial accidents. India being a developing country the incidence of poisoning , envenomation and chemical exposure is increasing. Apart from this an in

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Curriculum Vita ALAN P. SIEGAL, M.D. EDUCATION: 1975, B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York: Biology 1979, M.D., University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky BOARD CERTIFIED IN GERIATRIC AND ADULT PSYCHIATRY POST GRADUATE TRAINING: 1979-80 Intern in Medicare, Norwalk Hospital, Norwalk, CT Resident Psychiatry, Yale University S

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Council of Europe Conseil de l’Europe Savjet Evrope EVROPSKA KONVENCIJA PROTIV DOPINGOVANJA U SPORTU EVROPSKA KONVENCIJA PROTIV DOPINGOVANJA U SPORTU Dr`ave ~lanice Savjeta Evrope, ostale dr`ave potpisnice Konvencije o evropskoj kutlurnoj saradnji i ostale potpisnice ovog dokumenta; Smatraju}i da je cilj Savjeta Evrope da postigne jedinstvo me|u ~lanicama radi o~uv

The 'celtic tiger' - an analysis of ireland's economic growth performance

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies The ‘Celtic Tiger’ - An Analysis of Ireland’s RSC No. 2000/16 No part of this paper may be reproduced in any form Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies’ Programme in EconomicPolicy provides a framework for the presentation and development of ideas andresearch that can constitute the ba

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Dr. Juan Manuel Santos Presidente de la República de Colombia Carrera 8 n.7-26, Palacio de Nariño Santafé de Bogotá - Colombia Fax: 00 57 1-337 5890 He recibido noticias que las 123 familias que fueron desalojadas forzosamente el 14 de julio de 2009, por miembros de la del Policía Nacional y del Escuadrón Móvil Antidisturbios, han decidido retornar al predio rural conocido como Las

Einheitliche prüfungsanforderungen

Leistungskurs: Sulfasalazin ca. 100 Minuten Sulfasalazin (M1) ist ein Medikament, dass auf Grund seiner besonderen Verträglichkeit beiRheumaerkrankungen (auch bei Jugendlichen und Kindern) und auf Grund seiner spezifischlokalen Wirkung bei Entzündungen des Dickdarms (z.B. morbus crohn - eine besondersschwer zu behandelnde und tückische Krankheit) zum Einsatz kommt. Im RÖMPP CHEMIE LEXI

C14 add:adhd

THE ADD-ADHD DILEMMA ADD? ADHD? A student in my "regular" junior English class, Joseph was tall, thin, quiet and very well- mannered, with a string of good's following his name—good attendance, motivation, attitude, cooperation, peer acceptance. But his spelling was atrocious and from his first writing sample I realized that Joseph was severely dyslexic. He did write in his jo

Sanco-2007-03703-00-00-en-tra-00 (ru)

Maximum permissible levels (MPLs) of residues of active substances of pesticides in fresh food products of plant origin fixed by Russian legislation in accordance with Hygiene Standard (GN) 1.2.1323-03 MPLs of active substances MPLs in other types of food products in line with the MPL of an active substance file:///C|/Users/Alejandro/Downloads/untitled-2.htm (1 de 29) [28/09/2008

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Paediatric Asthma Intake Form An accurate health history is important to ensure that it is safe for you to receive treatment. If your health status changes in the future, please let us know. All information gathered for treatments is confidential except as required or allowed by law to facilitate diagnosis (assessment) or treatment. You will be asked to provide written authorization for rel


SAFETY DATA SHEETaccording to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) Art. 2280, INSEKT-EX 1. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking Product identifier Identification / trade name: REACH registration number: Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use of the substance / mixture: Details of the supplier of th

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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 464 (2001) 192–195Magnetized cylindrical targets for heavy ion fusionqA.J. Kempa,*, M. Baskob, J. Meyer-ter-Vehnaa Max-Planck-Institut f .ur Quantenoptik, Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1, 85748 Garching, Germanyb Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, B. Cheremushkinskaya 25, 117259 Moscow, RussiaIgnition conditions for magnetized cy

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