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Universitätsklinikum Jena – Zentrale Notfallaufnahme Arbeitsanweisung Risikostratifizierung – ambulant oder stationär? efinition Vorübergehender Bewusstseinsverlust im Rahmen einer generalisierten cerebralen Hypoperfusion und zügiges Erwachen nach maximal 1-3 Minuten (meist aber nur Sekunden) ohne medizinische Intervention. Die Definition der Synkope ist übrigens je nach Fachdis


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Animal Research International (2006) 3(3): 540 – 544 540 COMPARATIVE EFFICACY OF ANCYLOL, IVOMEC, MEBENDAZOLE AND PIPERAZINE AGAINST Ancylostoma caninum IN EXPERIMENTALLY INFECTED PUPS OBIUKWU, Millian Okwudili and ONYALI, Ikechukwu Oliver Department of Parasitology and Entomology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Corresponding Author: Obiukwu M. O., Department of Parasi


Verwendung ausschließlich zu privaten Zwecken gestattetAus: Wegweiser Psychopharmaka von Carola Burkhardt-NeumannDieses Buch informiert in allgemeiner Form über Psychiatrie und diedort eingesetzten Medikamente. Die Angaben wurden zwar mit größ-ter Sorgfalt erstellt, im Interesse der Lesbarkeit wurde jedoch keine Voll-ständigkeit angestrebt. Auch sind Fehler naturgemäß nie ganz auszu-sch

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Zotrim® Research Evidence Weight Loss Data Zotrim has been independently investigated in five studies. In summary, the 223 subjects that took Zotrim lost an average of 0.7 kg (1.5 lb) per each 10-day period. In the key study1 47 overweight subjects took either Zotrim tablet or a placebo (dummy tablet) for 45 days. Those taking Zotrim lost an average of 5.1 kg (11.2 lbs) whereas those taking


Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 71, No. 3, 2008, Pages 602–607 Copyright ᮊ, International Association for Food Protection Research Note Comparison of Antimicrobial Resistance of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli Isolated from Humans and Chicken Carcasses in Poland ˙ BIETA ROZ˙YNEK, 1* KATARZYNA DZIERZ˙ANOWSKA-FANGRAT, 1 DOROTA KORSAK, 2,3 PIOTR KONIECZNY,


Chin J Pharmacoepidemiol 2002 , Vol. 11 , No. 1 © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net © 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. http://www.cnki.net Chin J Pharmacoepidemiol 2002 , Vol. 11 , No. 1+ 25/ 23) 1/ 2 = 7. 680 0 ; Zc = 7. 68 > Z(0. 05 ,1) = 2. 58 ,4. 612 3 , 56. 482 5 ,

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SAFETY DATA SHEET: ZEOSOFTTM NATURAL HOUSEHOLD STAINLESS Safety Data Sheet Issued 28th December 2012 Section 1: Product and Company Identification Product Name ZEOSOFTTM NATURAL HOUSEHOLD STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER contains a soft zeolite / soft silica minerals compound from the Rotorua region of New Zealand, formed from fine volcanic ash by hot geothermal springs. Cleans, absorbs, deodo


GLOSSARY • Conjuncture: • Adhocracy: The actual balance of unevenly developed social and politi-The term was coined by Alvin Toffler. According to him, thiscal forces in a society at a particular moment is referred tosystem would replace bureaucracy in which several tran-sient project teams or task forces would do the work which • Counter Factual: would be dissolved after com


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Sehr geehrte Patientin, sehr geehrter Patient, bitte beantworten Sie den Gesundheitsfragebogen gewissenhaft. Die Informationen dienen ausschließlich zu Ihrer eigenen Sicherheit und unterliegen selbstverständlich der ärztlichen Schweigepflicht und dem Datenschutz. Sollten beim Ausfüllen Unklarheiten auftreten, fragen Sie bitte das Praxisteam! Bitte entsprechend ankreuzen bzw. ausfüllen.


Medication Guide for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) Get emergency help right away if you have any of the following (See the end of this Medication Guide for a symptoms: · shortness of breath or trouble breathing What is the most important information I should know about medicines called Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)? · weakness in one part or sid

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TRAVEL VACCINATION QUESTIONNAIRE Page 1 of 3 Please complete this form prior to your travel appointment and return to reception Personal details Date of birth: Male [ ] Female [ ] Easiest contact telephone number E mail Dates of trip Date of Departure Return date or overall length of trip Itinerary and purpose of visit Country to be visited Length of sta


Zen Daily Market Report - 04/09/2009 Particulars 03/09/2009 Gain+/Loss- The Indian benchmark indices opened on a positive note but soonwitnessed volatility due to mixed cues from global markets andfell under negative territory. However, they witnessed some buyingat lower levels and the markets regained the rally amid volatility. They experienced a dull and sideways trade durin


\\server05\productn\T\THE\25-1\THE103.txt Forgiveness Therapy: The Context and Conflict This paper is a critique of forgiveness therapy that focuseson the cultural contexts in which forgiveness therapyarose, with a special focus on the movement to addressthe victimization of women. I describe forgiveness asdescribed by forgiveness therapy advocates and the moraland non-moral benefits claimed on

Microsoft word - rekommenderad användning

Rekommenderad användning Massera in 1/8 till 1/4 tesked av krämen (1/4 tesked har samma storlek som en kikärta ungefär och 1/8tesked motsvarar storleken på en vanlig ärta), 1-2 gånger om dagen, där du har lite tunnare hud, t.ex. halsen,bröstet, magen, insidan av armarna och låren, handflatorna eller fotsulorna. Variera ställe frångång till gång. Använd efter bad eller dusch, in

Microsoft word - oktober 201

Zuchtwartebrief Zuchtbuch Rheinland/Pfalz   Zuchtbuch Obmann: Udo Weidmann, Freier Platz 3, 55278 Hahnheim, Tel.: 063737/1775  Ratschlag Tierarzt Lieber Zuchtwart, oft hört man von Züchtern, dass sie keine zuverlässige Anlaufstelle bei Krankheitsproblemen mit ihrem Geflügel haben. Der in der Nähe zuständige Tierarzt ist zwar gut für Großtiere, hat vielleicht


An a m n e s e b o g e n Bitte helfen Sie uns, damit wir Ihnen bei der Behandlung die bestm€gliche medizinische Betreuung zukommen lassen k€nnen. Um gesundheitliche Risiken zu vermeiden, ist es wichtig, dass Sie alle folgenden Fragen gewissenhaft beantworten. Mit Ihren Antworten gehen wir vertraulich um. Sie unterliegen der •rztlichen Schweigepflicht und dienen ausschlie‚lich de


Joan RafelUniversitat de Gironajoan.rafel@udg.es The Syntax of Small Clause Predication Abstract In this paper I put forward and justify a syntactic configuration that I call Complex SmallClause -structure. I show that this single syntactic structure can explain both the semantic valueand the syntactic behavior of a range of constructions that up to now have been exploredseparately and, h


238 Capital Improvement Drive It’s funny how a set of numbers can bring back so many memories. For many of us, 238 East Main Street was home, whether we actually paid rent or just hijacked a couch. For a good portion of our years at Kent State, she was where we laid our heads. Hundreds of men have walked through the back door in hopes of one day walking out the front door a Brother. We cal


A Prospective, Randomized Pilot Evaluation of Topical Triple Antibiotic Versus Mupirocin for the Prevention of Uncomplicated Soft Tissue Wound Infection ROBERT HOOD, MD,* KENNETH M. SHERMOCK, PHARMD,† Little data exists comparing the safety and efficacy of triple antibiotic itracin zinc, and polymixin B sulfate) or placebo petrolatum ointment (TAO) and mupirocin for prevention of

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